Tales of Hoffman: TEGNA Board Snubbed Over CEO’s Valet Snafu


In Washington, D.C., Adonis Hoffman has been a leading voice on media and communications law and policy, in particular FCC regulatory moves, for years. In February 2008, as SVP and Council for the American Association of Advertising Agencies (4 A’s), Hoffman was one of several key participants in a “No Urban/Hispanic Dictates” meeting held between the FCC and key advertising and marketing associations.

Hoffman would later serve as a former FCC Chief of Staff and as a senior legal advisor to former FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn, and is the founder and Chairman of “Business in the Public Interest” and Adjunct Professor of Communication, Culture & Technology at Georgetown University.

As of last month, he was in Fort Lauderdale, speaking to a China-owned news channel as the founder of the “Responsible Technology Initiative.” And, until this morning, an additional role was in the works for Hoffman.

That’s been scratched, TEGNA has announced.

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