How To Ignite Subscriber Dollars? Learn How at Forecast 2024


Media consumers have more choices than ever before. Broadcast radio and television, cable, satellite, and streaming services all compete for the public’s ears, eyes, and dollars. As a result, a huge subscription economy has emerged that is anticipated to grow from $635 billion to $1.5 trillion by 2025, UBS data show.

This has created unprecedented opportunities, and challenges, for our industry. A Forecast 2024 session during the broadcast media industry’s premier leadership conference, on November 15, is poised to share ways to take advantage of this exploding revenue stream, one that will also cultivate and enhance relationships with viewers and listeners as well as offer additional opportunities to advertisers.

Brendan Brady, Media and Entertainment Lead for Antenna, brings to Forecast 2024 a closer look at evolving U.S. video and audio subscription streaming ecosystems and their implications for radio and television. You’ll learn about these exciting developments, along with how data analytics can help your brands harness the potential of streaming media and the subscription economy. And, you’ll have a chance to ask him questions and hear his insights live and in person at Forecast.

At Antenna, a data and analytics provider for subscription services, Brady is responsible for the company’s marketing efforts, driving new business, and working directly with Antenna’s media and entertainment clients, including the streaming services and the ecosystems surrounding them. One of Antenna’s earliest hires, Brady joined the company from Endeavor, where he entered the WME mailroom program after earning his B.S. in Film & Television from Boston University.


Early Bird pricing for Forecast 2024 will expire this Sunday, after which ticket prices will increase by $200.


Taking place at the prestigious Harvard Club in New York City, the robust agenda features can’t-miss sessions and information from the biggest names in broadcast leadership addressing the most critical industry issues and emerging trends.

The conference will kick off with sessions focused on economic forecasting and revenue trends in broadcasting. This will be followed by panels examining the investment landscape in the media sector, as well as the state and future of local broadcasting. Midday programming promises to shed light on the challenges and opportunities tied to news production in the broadcasting arena.

The afternoon will bring discussions on regulatory dynamics and the growing influence of technology, particularly artificial intelligence, in the broadcasting world. The conference will wrap up with an executive session where industry leaders will discuss the future direction of broadcasting. For more details on the day’s sessions, check here.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to get a comprehensive view of the future of broadcasting. Secure your Early Bird tickets by Sunday, October 15 to take advantage of the discounted rate.