Regional Reps signs VerStandig Broadcasting


The independent sales rep firm specializing in small and medium market Radio stations, has signed an exclusive rep agreement with VerStandig Broadcasting. Regional Reps will handle national sales for WAYZ-FM (Country), WBHB-FM (Rock), WPPT-FM (Classic Country) and WLBG-AM (Talk) in Hagerstown, MD.  Regional Reps will also handle national sales for the VerStandig stations in Harrisonburg, VA:  WQPO-FM (CHR), WJDV-FM (Soft AC), WTGD-FM (Rock) and WJVA-AM (News/Talk) and WHBG-AM (Sports).

Said Stuart Sharpe, Regional Reps President: “At an industry awards ceremony five years ago, John VerStandig noted in his acceptance speech ‘I have always dreaded the day when I would be average. The thought that average is acceptable is anathema to me!’ John’s station groups in Hagerstown, Maryland and Harrisonburg, Virginia, reflect clearly his dedication to excellence. We are extremely proud to have been selected to represent VerStandig Broadcasting.”

With sales offices in Cleveland, Cincinnati, Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas and New York, Regional Reps Corp. is celebrating more than 54 years of Radio sales representation.