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D.C.’s Biggest Lobbyists Take Sides In Latest Retrans Consent Wars

NAB head Gordon Smith on Tuesday assailed the nation's DBS providers -- DISH and DirecTV parent AT&T -- for "purposefully withholding broadcast signals from viewers." The pro-MVPD American Television Alliance responded that "broadcasters are in need of a history lesson."

Frontier Communications: The Latest ATVA Member

One of the largest voices on Capitol Hill representing MVPDs who detest the rapidly rising retransmission fees benefiting broadcast TV station owners across the U.S. has just signed on a major rural telecom company as a member.

GroupM’s Crystal Ad Ball: TV Challenges, Modest Radio Dips

Brian Wieser became well-known as a prolific Senior Analyst at Pivotal Research Group. He's now at GroupM, which has released a report that suggests many in charge of media buying and planning are aligned with Wieser on why TV isn't a great place for their ad dollars.
People watching TV

Congress Takes First Step Toward TV Retrans Fee Reform

"Modernizing video laws so that they actually work for consumers" is the key goal of bipartisan legislation that will be drafted with the intent of overhauling "outdated laws" governing the television marketplace. Translation: Retrans fee reform could be on the way.

ATVA Assails TV Owners On Strong Retrans Revenue

One of the more vocal groups against rapidly rising retransmission fees bemoans the strong increases seen in the last fiscal quarter by four of the nation's biggest broadcast TV station owners. Here's the reaction from The American Television Alliance (ATVA).

Congress to DirecTV: Every DMA Needs Their Local TV

AT&T's DirecTV promised more than a decade ago to carry all of the local TV station in each of the nation's 210 DMAs. However, it still hasn't fulfilled this pledge, and Sen. Jon Tester -- along with three other Senators -- have asked when they plan to finally act.

Local Focus Urged For Repack Consumer Education Fund

The last Communications and Technology Subcommittee hearing to be chaired by Senator-elect Marsha Blackburn was held Tuesday afternoon in Rayburn HOB. The NAB's Curtis LeGeyt and America's Public Television Stations head had much to share.

New Year’s In The Dark, Thanks To Retrans Disputes

Four bitterly protracted retransmission agreements that have yet to be codified result in channel blackouts across the U.S.

What’s Next For The FCC On LIN DBS Protest?

Can DirecTV and DISH Network subscribers in a SW Colorado county get two Denver-market TV stations? Not if LIN Television can stop it

Hubbard, Red River Challenge Gray

The FCC has extended until Oct. 20 the opportunity to contest a plan to make a Wausau, Wisc., station a Duluth-market channel.
U.S. Congress

Schumer Asks Wheeler to Resist Killing Exclusivity Rules

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) asked the FCC not to kill the exclusivity rules.

FCC Seeks Comments on DSTAC

The FCC seeks comments on its DSTAC report.

ACA Seizes on Broadcast Good Faith Complaint

It's all about a petition filed by Northwest Broadcasting charging DirecTV with a lack of good faith
John Thune

Thune Weighs in on Effective Competition

John Thune (R-SD) has stated his opinion on the FCC’s recent move

Coalition of Organizations on Cable Competition

The pushback against the presumption of competition