Valle touts ratings/sales growth at Univision Radio (audio)


Valle JoseIt was nearly a year ago that Jose Valle was named President of Univision Radio. Since then he’s reworked both management and programming strategies. And it appears those moves are paying off, since Univision Radio beat the overall radio business with its Q4 results.

In an exclusive interview. Valle told RBR-TVBR that Univision’s stations have adopted a cluster programming strategy and adapted to Arbitron’s PPM. Univision Radio, you’ll remember, was a long-time holdout in most markets, but finally subscribed to PPM in November 2010, a few months before Valle became President (although he was already VP/GM of the Los Angeles stations). Univision’s stations, he said, are now #1 in Spanish radio for 18-34-year-olds in 12 of 13 markets, #1 in 18-49 in 11 of 13 markets and #1 25-54 in 11 of 13 markets. Moreover, he said, “we’re also extremely competitive against the general market stations,” ranking in the top five in each market, which he notes wasn’t the case a year ago.

[audio:Jose-Valle-030512.mp3|titles=Jose Valle]

Valle said he was excited to take the helm at Univision Radio because of the support he found at the top of the company – a corporate group, led by Univision Communications CEO Randy Falco, “who believes in radio and really wanted to succeed.”

Valle went on to talk about the impact of the US Census numbers on advertiser interest in Hispanic radio, prospects for 2012 election spending and opportunities for syndication of his company’s top air talent as more stations outside the top markets flip to Spanish as the US Hispanic population grows.

RBR-TVBR Media Information Bureau subscribers may click here to hear the entire interview with Jose Valle.

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