Friday, September 6, 2024

Key reps want to see FCC DTV plan

When John Dingell (D-MI) and Ed Markey (D-MA) have a concern about the broadcasting matters these days, FCC Chairman Kevin Martin and colleagues Michael...

Broadcasters gear up for violence defense

Harvard Law School constitutional scholar Laurence Tribe is on the case. According to reports, a loose consortium of broadcast networks and media associations has...

Fun on the campaign trail

John McCain (R-AZ) has often managed to irk members of the media. As chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee, he practically declared open warfare...

Solis wants a full buffet menu

Yet another Democratic legislator has been working the keyboard. This time it is US Rep Hilda Solis (D-CA), a member of the Energy &...

National party orgs pulling in the bucks

The latest Federal Election Commission numbers are in, and they show that Washington political committees continue to rake in cash. Not only is money...

Key legislator attacks satcaster deal

US Rep Mike Doyle (D-PA), a key member of the Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet, has fired off a letter to AG Alberto...

NAB Radio Board weighs in on CRB

Broadcasters are among many trying to establish a presence on the Internet who see the recent Copyright Royalty Board decision on streaming compensation as...

Illinois delegation goes to bat for Tribune

A bipartisan group of US legislators representing the state of Illinois have fired off a letter to FCC Chairman Kevin Martin on behalf of...

All POTUS, all the time

XM Satellite Radio is teaming up with cable stalwart C-CPAN to provide a 24/7 channel dedicated entirely to the 2008 presidential campaign. It will...

People aren’t buying Pentagon Internet policy

Rep. Ed Markey (D-MA) remained on the Pentagon's case last week, noting that it was continuing with its policy of blocking certain Internet sites...