Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Supremes, Bloomberg may put on the pressure

The Supreme Court's decision that rolls out the red carpet for down-to-the-wire issue advertising adding pressure to a jam-packed and front-loaded primary election season,...

FEC debuts new presidential campaign feature

You can now go to the homepage of the Federal Election Commission and get an instant snapshot on where the money fueling the 2008...

McCain takes swipe at Fairness Doctrine; Edwards takes another approach

The House of Representative put a nail in the coffin of the Fairness Doctrine before it could even rise to the level of a...

Fairness Doctrine handed strong rebuke in US House

Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN), a former radio talk show host, may be on the minority side of the isle in the US House of...

Imus on the Congressional calendar

Ed Markey (D-MA) has shown a ravenous appetite for broadcast and communications issues since taking over a key House Energy & Commerce Committee subcommittee....

Fairness battle returning to Washington?

It's no secret that Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) would like to see the Fairness Doctrine brought back to life, requiring that views expressed over America's...


Many thanks to the many alert readers who pointed out that Larry Craig is an alert senator. That's Larry Craig (R-ID). We regret referencing...

Defense of free speech

At the Commerce Committee hearing on media violence, Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe submitted his written testimony for the record and then ignored the...

Violent testimony

FCC Chairman Kevin Martin was unable to make the Commerce Committee hearing on media violence due to a family emergency. That left a gaping...

Rockefeller declares war on violence

Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) briefly paid tribute to retired Sen. Fritz Hollings (D-SC) as he carried forward the baton in the crusade against media...

There’s a new senator in town

The seat of the late Larry Craig (R-WY) has been filled by a Democratic governor with a Republican, due to an unusual law in...

Supremes open the door for late-term issue ads

"Where the First Amendment is implicated, the tie goes to the speaker, not the censor," wrote US Chief Justice John Roberts, with the Supreme...

Slow turnaround allows MVPD to skate on EEO violation

RCN Corporation, which provides bundled CATV, telephone and internet service in several markets, failed to meet its EEO requirements over a two year period....

Martin a star witness at CommComm violence session

FCC Chairman Kevin Martin will be a panel of one when the Senate Commerce Committee sits down to discuss "The Impact of Violence on...

Inhofe sounds alarm about Fairness

Although the phrase Fairness Doctrine did not come up during the course of a brief exchange between evening talker John Ziegler and Sen. James...