Saturday, September 28, 2024

FEC admonishes political campaign

Steven Porter, who ran for Congress in 2004, was attempting to unseat Phil English (R-PA) in Pennsylvania's 3rd District. And it turns out he...

Q2 fundraising results are in

The new results are in on the Federal Election Commission presidential fundraising map, and it shows a trajectory clearly favoring the Democratic candidates. At...

Reps concerned about private equity deals

A pair of powerful US Reps are concerned about private equity companies, saying the term "suggests a financial management style focused on cutting costs,...

More trouble for Commerce elephants

It has been a very rough patch for Republicans on the Senate Commerce Committee, and each situation has been a snowflake, completely unrelated to...

MMTC looks to tweak intact cluster rule

The Minority Media & Telecommunications Council says that the new rules on transferring grandfathered clusters have not had the desired effect of increasing ownership...

MIM: Mum’s the word, if its *#^%

Meanwhile, the decency watchdogs are helping to pump up the volume in this area. Parents Television Council's Tim Winter condemned the vote turning down...

Indecency, violence put on hold, briefly

The attempt by Sam Brownback (R-KS) to attach measures to an FCC funding bill which would restore the FCC's right to punish fleeting expletives...

FEC going to court against citizen campaigner

Stephen Adams has run afoul of the Federal Election Commission. In the two months prior to the 2004 presidential election, he apparently took it...

NAB fights Fairness Doctrine

The House of Representatives has put attempts to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine on ice for at least a year, and the Senate is about...

Fox, CBC moving ahead with debate

The 9/23/07 debate among Democratic presidential candidates sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus and scheduled to air on Fox News Channel has been spurned...

Will Congress back Brownback amendments?

Sam Brownback (R-KS) shepherded the new 325K indecency fines through the Senate (in partnership with its original sponsor, Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI), but since...

Will 700 auction pass the M&M test?

Ed Markey (D-MA), Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet, and Kevin Martin (R), Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, often...

Slow time in Washington gets even slower

The summer doldrums are setting in inside the Beltway. Congress is back from its observance of the Fourth of July, but is getting set...

How many Hispanics?

Henry Waxman's (D-CA) Oversight and Government Reform Committee is going on the road. In fact, its going to Clear Channel Communications' home turf -...

Appeals court rejects ACLU challenge to wiretapping

The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals has dismissed an ACLU challenge to the Bush Administration's warrantless wiretapping program. The three-judge panel ruled 2 to...