Northeastern Republicans dwindling and vulnerable

Democrats added 11 seats to their ranks in the nine states comprising the Northeast region in 2006. Freshmen are often inviting targets for the...

FCC OKs Twin Falls deal

KSNQ-FM Twin Falls has FCC approval to pass from James E. Martin, Jr. to Patricia S. Woods, who also is approved to send the...

PAC attack

The Federal Election Commission has reported a 1.3% increase over the total reported 1/1/08 in political action committees. These groups have an interest in...

Could reinstated doctrine be contagious?

That’s what Republican Commissioner Robert McDowell told a gathering at the Business and Media Institute. He noted the worries of conservative Talkers that the Fairness Doctrine may be

Market shift leaves Nassau FM high and dry

When Nassau Broadcasting applied to acquire WWHK(FM), Concord NH from a subsidiary of Capitol Broadcasting Corporation, and set up a JSA during the interim...

White space tests at NFL game called failure

The Sports Video Group says that tests conducted by the FCC over the weekend at a preseason NFL football game between the Buffalo Bills...

Fleeting case, briefly

A consortium of state broadcaster associations has weighed in with the Supreme Court in the case pitting Fox (and implicitly, all broadcasters) against the FCC. And another brief has surfaced

Multicultural merits a move

What happens when you have a grandfathered six-AM cluster and you want to move one of them? Unfortunately, it ultimately means you have to...

Goin’ to the show

The NAB Radio Show in Austin TX will feature FCC Commissioner Jonathan Adelstein, NAB announced yesterday. The Democrat is expected to address issues such...

The Best Buy things in life are free?

Well, not really, and Best Buy stands to make a buck off of this, but it is also undeniably a public service from the...

Stand by your ad, no matter what

The political speech commonly found on a campaign button is exempt from full disclosure rules identifying the entity responsible for its existence. The broadcast...

Inouye LPTV DTV measure signed into law

Senate Commerce Committee chair Daniel Inouye (D-HI) has succeeded in drumming up some government support for LPTV operators looking to participate fully in the...

It’s official – tax certificate bill introduced

Robert Menendez (D-NJ) and a bipartisan slate of co-sponsors have put a bill before Congress which would restore the late lamented minority tax certificate....

Tex-Mex border relief

Broadcasting stations relying on eyeballs from across the border in Mexico will not risk losing access to them suddenly on 2/17/09 when the digital transition kicks in, thanks to legislation

Martin lays out agenda for August

Here’s a shocker – the main broadcast items coming before the five FCC Commissioners on their potential 8/22/08 meeting will involve the transition to digital...