Consideration of CALM Act extended

When Congress acted to bring the decibel level of television commercials down to the same level used in programming via passage of the CALM...

FCC firms up LPTV plans

By September 1, 2015, analog television broadcast is to be completely relegated to the past, as the FCC has set a hard deadline for low power television stations and translators to switch to digital. It also

Spectrum drafts put unlicensed white space in jeopardy

It has been all broadcasters could do to apply the brakes to the locomotive force behind the attempt to usurp broadcast spectrum turf to use for

Key Democrats unveil another spectrum draft bill

The search for spectrum space to use for wireless broadband has been keeping Capitol Hill staffers occupied all year, and in the House, another...

El Paso TV settles in UHF band

News-Press & Gazette's KVIA-TV El Paso had been trying to make a go of it on Channel 7 as part of the digital transition,...

Genachowski touts FCC reform efforts

Republicans in the House Energy and Commerce Committee have been making sure that FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski does not forget a presidential mandate to...

Further observations on the court ownership ruling

Commentary continues to trickle in regarding the Third Circuit ruling on the FCC rulemaking attempts impacting media ownership rules..FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn - MMTC

Responses roll in to Third Circuit ruling

Copps has been a long-time and extremely vocal foe of media consolidation, and was more than ready to take a victory lap. RBR-TVBR reported that it

Third Energy and Commerce subcommittee talks to FCC

Most of the time, whenever the House Energy and Commerce Committee is holding a preliminary hearing involving the Federal Communications Commission in one way...

College station hit with full force FCC file fine

New Hampshire non-commercial FM licensed to Colby-Sawyer College applied for its license renewal in late 2005, and admitted at that time that it was missing the issues/programs lists from its public file for the years 2000-2002. It was hit with the standard $10K fine. The amazing thing in this case is

Stephen Colbert super PAC gets FEC blessing

Formed his own super political action committee, ostensibly for satirical purposes, but the fact that his PAC has access to air time via his nightly program and it inextricably tied to media giant Viacom caused

House panel invites FCC Commissioner back to the Hill

The House Energy and Commerce Committee is giving Communications Subcommittee chair Greg Walden (R-OR) by break and sending Republican FCC Commissioner Robert McDowell over...

NFL sides with broadcasters in blackout filing

The National Football League wishes to retain its right to black out broadcast of a game from local broadcast television when the game has...

Supreme Court leaning on indecency case up in the air

We have long suspected that the ultimate result of this case will be a finding that the FCC does have an obligation to police the airwaves

Ohio rep wants cost-benefit reports from FCC

In the recent House Communications Subcommittee hearing, members discussed a draft bill that would try to reform FCC processes. The bill proposed a number...