Saturday, September 21, 2024

Teletubbies to be busted

The Teletubbies are back in the news already. A group called Public Advocate, a 501.c.4 non-profit group which claims to fight for the American...

Sillerman and Fuller in buyout bid

It wasn't so long ago that Simon Fuller sold his 19 Entertainment to CKX Inc. Now, he and CKX founder Bob Sillerman want to...

Tender tally finale

If you tendered shares for the Tribune Company phase one buyout by Sam Zell and the new ESOP, you will get to sell approximately...

Big merger on Wall Street

Two big brokerage and investment banking firms with heavy involvement in the media sector are becoming one. Banking giant Wachovia Corp., which already owns...

Newspapers tout online growth

Ad sales for print editions are still suffering, but the Newspaper Association of America pointed proudly to growth on the Internet side as it...

Viacom sets big stock buyback

With its current three billion bucks stock buyback authorization down to around 300 million, Viacom has gotten the go ahead from its board of...

Coverage adds up to a Mideast focus

Iraq, pretty much as usual, was the leading topic in the news during the week of 5/20-25/07 if you add up the various permutations...

CBS Corp. acquires Last.FM

CBS Corp. has acquired, a global, community-based, music discovery network, for 280 million in cash.  It currently has more than 15 million active...

Wilson Wearn dead at 87

Wilson C. Wearn, who held the titles of President, CEO and Chairman at various times during his long tenure at Multimedia Inc., has died...

Talkers make their own agenda

Two events tied for first place in the Project for Excellence in Journalism news survey for the week of 5/13-18/07. Both events in Iraq...

The media did it

Why is Paul Wolfowitz leaving the presidency of the World Bank? If you've been following the story, you might think it had to do...

Service to America winners named

Lenawee Broadcasting's WLEN-FM Adrian, MI, Allbritton's WCIV-TV Charleston, SC, Belo's KMOV-TV St. Louis, ABC Radio's KGO-AM San Francisco, Schurz's KYTV-TV Springfield, MO, Clear Channel's...

Campaign air wars kicking off early

Citizens are already hearing about some of the presidential hopefuls for the 2008 election, even though the earliest contests are still months ahead. With...

Barbara Cox Anthony dead at 84

Cox Enterprises announced the death Monday of Barbara Cox Anthony, the younger daughter of company founder James Cox. Barbara Cox Anthony and her surviving...

Video debut for Noory

George Noory, host of Premier Radio Networks' "Coast to Coast AM," has been booked for a late-night video special on NBC Universal's SciFi cable...