Judge may toss Savage suit


No ruling has actually been issued yet, but the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is celebrating because US District Judge Susan Illston said Friday she was leaning toward dismissing a copyright lawsuit filed by syndicated radio host Michael Savage over CAIR’s use of a four-minute audio clip from his show to raise contributions and build support for a boycott of his radio show. The judge is leaning toward CAIR’s claim that it was protected by the First Amendment is using the clip, in which Savage called the Quran a “book of hate.”
Meanwhile, the boycott isn’t knocking Savage off the air. Pappas Radio’s KMPH-AM Modesto had “Michael Savage returns to the airwaves” as a headline when it announced a format switch today to become a Talk outlet as “AM 840 KMPH The Patriot.”