Univision Radio’s Eddie ”Piolin” Sotelo delivers 1 million letters supporting immigration reform


Yesterday, Univision Radio personality Eddie "Piolin" Sotelo hand-delivered over one million letters signed by U.S. citizens and/or legal residents in support of the passage of a fair and just immigration reform bill this year to bi-partisan members of Congress. Piolin's "Por la Reforma Migratoria con Piolin" campaign marks the first time that a letter writing campaign has generated such a large number of letters in support of immigration reform.

Piolin began his letter writing campaign on Univision Radio's "Piolin por La Manana" and on Univision.com just six weeks ago. Five days ago, he left from LA, beginning his cross-country caravan journey and making stops in Albuquerque, Dallas and Chicago to collect letters from U.S. citizens and legal residents in a united quest for immigration reform. "Piolin por La Manana" is the top ranked morning show in LA (and its 27 syndicated markets make it the #1 show in the country, according to Uni).