TEGNA ‘Say On Pay’ Gets OK At Annual Shareholders Meeting


MONTCLAIR, VA. — An advisory resolution on the compensation of named executive officers at Northern Virginia-based broadcast television station owner TEGNA has been approved by its shareholders.

The OK came alongside the “overwhelming” approval of re-election of nine board members, yet another rebuke of the failed efforts of Soohyung Kim and his Standard Media to exert control over the company that remains under the executive leadership of Dave Lougee.

At the meeting, TEGNA shareholders voted to retain Lougee as well as Board Chairman Howard D. Elias, Gina L. Bianchini, Stuart J. Epstein, Karen H. Grimes, Scott K. McCune, Henry W. McGee, Neal B. Shapiro and Melinda C. Witmer as Board of Directors members.

Directors will serve one-year terms ending at TEGNA’s 2025 annual meeting.

At the meeting, TEGNA’s shareholders also ratified the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the company’s independent registered public accounting firm for the 2024 fiscal year and approved amendments to the company’s certificate of incorporation to address the shareholder right to call a special shareholder meeting and officer exculpation.