NAB Unveils Policy Agenda for 117th Congress


What are the most important policy issues facing local television and radio stations during the 117th congress that the NAB will be advocating to policymakers and Members of Congress?

That was distributed on Thursday, one day after Joe Biden was sworn in as President of the United States.

The chief lobbying group for radio and TV station owners has released its “Broadcasters’ Policy Agenda,” and it’s an overview of what it will be fighting for on behalf of its membership in the new Congressional term.

With Democratic control across Capitol Hill and at the White House, it could present new challenges — or an easier path to Commission adoption.

The issues include “preserving” local journalism, even as the NAB fights the U.S. Supreme Court on giving the FCC the right to eliminate cross-ownership that would effectively reduce the number of viewpoints in a given market while increasing the number of televised newscasts — an argument Gray Television says is better for local viewers, although it offers them increased content from a singular source.

The ongoing battle over music licensing and fair royalty payment structures is also on the agenda for the NAB, as is broadcast ownership and “promoting diversity.”

But, is that owner diversity, or a diversity of voices?

That’s a question the Supreme Court wants clear and concise answers to.

In addressing its plans for how it will present its viewpoints to the 117th Congress, former Oregon Senate Republican and current NAB President/CEO Gordon Smith said, “America’s local radio and television broadcasters stand ready to help our nation overcome the challenges that lie ahead. NAB looks forward to working with the new administration and Congress on bipartisan policies to address the crises facing our nation, while helping keep our millions of listeners and viewers informed, safe and connected.”