Rick Santorum using radio to capture conservative nod


The race for the Republican presidential nomination has pretty much always been Mitt Romney v. everybody else, with numerous candidates taking a turn as the #1 alternative. Rick Santorum briefly held that position after the Iowa caucuses, and now he’s spending money on satellite radio to wrest the title back from Newt Gingrich.

According to reports, the Santorum campaign is spending $100K on satellite channels with conservative listeners, including a pair from Fox and the Patriot channel.

Santorum is trying to make the case that he is the true conservative alternative to Romney, and that the results in Florida show that voters know it isn’t Gingrich – that’s why he entered the state riding high off his win in South Carolina and watched his big lead in Florida disappear completely.

The tagline of the ad reads, “It’s time for conservatives and tea party supporters to unite behind the true conservative that can stop Romney, and defeat Obama. Rick Santorum.

RBR-TVBR observation: The footprint of a satellite radio buy may be national, but it doesn’t sink very deep. If we were in Santorum’s shoes, we’d be looking at big terrestrial syndicated conservative talkers if we really wanted to get the word out to our base. The name Rush Limbaugh comes to mind, and there are many others that also deliver the same group of voters.

BTW, the non-SEO alternative headline for this article would be “Gingrich gets Rick-rolled.”