SBE broadens its scope


SBELong the domain of the engineering community, the Society of Broadcast Engineers now wants to recognize, as well get the knowledge and support, of others who work on the technical aspects of broadcast and media companies, in large part in recognition of the incredibly important role computers have taken over the past two decades.

SBE president, Joe Snelson stated, “The field of broadcast engineering has changed dramatically over the past 20 years. There is hardly anything our members do today that isn’t dependent on computers and computer networks. SBE members have had to add to their skills and knowledge base to handle these demands. At the same time, broadcast stations have brought on IT and other specialists and we will now seek to encourage them to take part in activities and programs of the SBE.”

Snelson continued, “We feel that the addition of these technical professionals can be a win – win for them and the Society, providing them with educational and certification and other career development opportunities while providing the SBE with a broader membership base.”

Going along with the expanded scope will be an expanded tag line: “The Association of Broadcast and Multimedia Technical Professionals,”