FCC set to sort LPFM applications


FCCAfter allowing time for resolution regarding mutually exclusive LPFM applications, the FCC still has a pile of unresolved competitive situations, which it is now on the road to concluding.

There are 96 such mutually exclusive applications that will be subjected to the point system after one more period in which the applicants can take some actions.

The mututally exclusive groups are all alive after failing to find either a technical, settlement or time-sharing resolution, a process that began December a year ago.

A window is not open for the filing of petitions to deny, and there is still time to enter into channel sharing arrangements or file amended technical proposals.

Among the factors considered when weighing one applications against another are the applicant’s established local presence; planned local programming; maintenance of a local studio presence; extra credit for providing both local programming and a local studio; diversity of ownership; and tribal status.