Media Planners Embrace TV


television-OTAMedia planners love TV.

So says the Digital Place Based Advertising Association, which surveyed some 300 media planners.

The DPBAA says 68% of them rate TV high in effectiveness now, yet nearly half believe that may not be the case in three years, reports MediaPost.

The poll respondents said they expect screens’ shares of media budgets to increase over the next three years, with mobile leading the way (up 86%), followed by online at 67% and place-based up 34%.

RBR+TVBR Observation: It’s interesting the study also shows that smartphones have lost some of their shine. Only 12% of buyers surveyed said they’d fund a place-based campaign just using a mobile device, down from 22% a year ago. That means media planners have learned they can reach consumers using a combination of devices.