America’s Radio News offering “Election Night 2012” coverage


ARNN / America's Radio News NetworkAmerica’s Radio News (ARN) Network will extend its regular programming on Election Day 2012, bringing listeners up-to-the-minute results for all national contests, including the White House, U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.

The ARN team of John McCaslin, Lori Lundin and Chris Salcedo will anchor the special “Election Night 2012” coverage from 9 p.m. until 3 a.m. ET, when a flood of polling data and election results will be pouring in from each state, starting in the East and moving West.

“Before the winners are even announced, we will have for listeners the final state-by-state exit polling – including crucial battleground states like Ohio, Florida and Virginia – as quickly as the polls close in each state,” says McCaslin, a former White House correspondent with more than 30 years’ experience covering national elections.

“Once the voting stops, we will be able to closely examine various exit-polling data and get a clear signal of the ultimate results,” McCaslin explains. “Take the all-important race for the White House: if President Obama or Mitt Romney were to win certain key battleground states – with the right combination, this could be as few as two of the states – we would be able to suggest which candidate will be taking the oath of office on January 21, 2013.”

Besides the popular and electoral vote count for the White House, ARN’s special election night coverage on Tuesday will focus on crucial Senate and House races, which will ultimately determine the congressional balance of power, as well as state ballot initiatives.

The format clock follows the same format clock as other ARN dayparts except there are no relays. However, for automation purposes they have fixed hard breaks at :30, :45 and 59:50 past each hour.